Visiting hours: Wednesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (closed on Mondays and Thuesdays)

IDR III/1, 77 = CIL III 1577

Denumirea piesei:
Imperial statue base;
Material, technology:
shell limestone, carved with the incised inscription, has many ligatures;
State of preservation:
precarious, the fragmentary surface was affected by the restoration works;
135 x 59 x 22 cm, h (letters) = 5 cm;
the epigraph is a modest sculptural achievement, including the stone from which it is made is soft and unsuitable for this type of monument;
Imp (eratori) Caes (ari) P (ublio) Lici (nio) / Gal (l) ieno P (io) F (elici) Aug (usto) / pont (ifici) max (imo) tr (ibuniciae) po [t (estatis)] / cons (uli) III procons (uli) / coh (ors) III Delmatarum / Valerian (a) Gal (l) ie / nae (miliaria) eqq (uitata) c (ivium) R (omanorum) p ( ia) f (idelis) / devota numini / maiestatique eius Literary translation: Emperor Caesar Publius Licinius Gallienus the blessed pious Augustus, supreme priest, with tribunician power, third consul, proconsul, III Dalmatian cohort, with the epithets Valerian Gall , made up of 1000 soldiers, also having cavalry troops, from Roman citizens, the pious and faithful, devoted to the divine power and their majesties (he erected the monument).
Place of discovery:
in the ruins of the Roman camp at Mehadia;
Observations, dating:
is part of the last horizon of inscriptions for Dacia, dating the monument in the years 257-260, has typos;
Place of storage:
Banat National Museum Timisoara, inv. No .: IV 6355;
Bibliography and databases:
Peter Hügel, The last decades of Roman rule in Dacia, Nerea Mia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2004; UEL 15189; HD 044786; EDCS-26600773
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