Visiting hours: Wednesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (closed on Mondays and Thuesdays)

Organization and Functioning Regulations

.PDF Regulation
.PDF Timis County Council Decision

Organization and Functioning Regulations


Art.1. Establishment, subordination
  • The National Museum of Banat is, according to the provisions of GD no. 331/2016, public institution of culture of national importance, with legal personality, under the authority of the Timiş County Council.
  • The National Museum of Banat, hereinafter referred to as the Museum, is organized and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Museums and Public Collections no. 311/2003, republished, with the subsequent modifications and completions, of the other legal provisions applicable to the field and with the provisions of the present Regulation.
  • This Regulation establishes the rules for the organization and operation of the National Museum of Banat. The museum also applies the norms, regulations and methodologies, specific to its field of activity, elaborated by the Ministry of Culture.
Art.2. Headquarters

(1) The museum is based in Timişoara, Huniade Square, no. 1, Timiş County, within Huniade Castle.

Art.3.Objective and purpose
  • Banat National Museum is a public institution of culture of national importance, in the public service of society and open to the public, whose main objectives are to collect, preserve, research, restore, communicate and exhibit material and spiritual evidence of the existence and evolution of human communities. , capitalizing on the cultural heritage managed through exhibitions, publications and any other forms of communication.
  • The purpose of the Museum is to recreate, educate and know the evolution of the community

human rights and the environment.


Art.4. Duties

1. The museum, organized in such a way as to harmonize museum activities with those of scientific research in the field, exercises mainly the following attributions:

  1. ensures the integrity, security, conservation and restoration of the goods classified in the movable national cultural heritage that are the object of the museum patrimony;
  2. performs the documentation, the evidence and, as the case may be, the classification of the goods belonging to the museum patrimony;
  3. ensures the enhancement of the museum heritage;
  4. ensures and guarantees the access of the public and of the specialists to the goods that constitute the museum patrimony;
  5. ensures the research or, as the case may be, the provision, for research, of the goods from the museum patrimony;
  6. prevents the use of the museum heritage for purposes other than those provided by the legal regulations in force;
  7. obtains the operation authorization, the accreditation and, as the case may be, the re-accreditation of the museum or of the public collection, in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
  8. ensures the measures of guarding, prevention and extinguishing of fires, prevention and reduction of the damages that can be brought to the museum patrimony.
Art.5.Specific activities and actions

1. The Museum shall carry out the following specific activities and actions:

  1. establishment, administration, conservation and restoration of museum heritage;
  2. scientific research, evidence, documentation, protection and development of museum heritage;
  3. the purchase of museum goods, in accordance with the law;
  4. the enhancement of the museum patrimony for the purpose of knowledge, education and recreation, through permanent and temporary exhibitions, including through the inter-museum loan, in accordance with the law;
  5. ensuring the record of museum assets, their periodic inventory, in accordance with the law, ensuring their protection;
  • Reported to the Classification of Activities in the National Economy (CAEN-Rev.2), the main field of the Museum is the one corresponding to Section R “Performing, cultural and recreational activities”, division 91 “Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities” , class 9102 “Museum activities”.
  • According to the CANE codes, the Museum carries out the following activities, in the public interest, mainly, and / or for the realization of revenues, in subsidiary: a) activities specific to the museum institutions:

9102 Museum activities (other specialized museums): museum-specific activities, consisting of (but not limited to):

  • the exhibition capitalization of the patrimony (basic, temporary, itinerant exhibitions, pavilions and in the open air, in the country and abroad);
  • management of museum collections and scientific and technical documentary apparatus .;
  • organization of educational festivals and fairs;

7219 Research – development in other natural sciences and engineering, consisting of (but not limited to):

  • scientific research in the field of conservation and restoration of the museum’s cultural heritage and its capitalization.

7220 Research – development in social sciences and humanities:

  • scientific research and its capitalization by organizing and participating in specific events, publishing scientific and popular publications, permanent and temporary exhibition topics.
  • elaboration, management and scientific capitalization of the evidence of the values ​​from the museum’s collections

9103 Management of monuments, historic buildings and other tourist attractions, consisting of (but not limited to):

  • restoration, conservation of historical monuments and other objectives, consultancy in this field. 9003 Artistic creation activities consisting of (but not limited to): – restorations of works of art;

9101 Library and archive activities, consisting of (but not limited to):

  • organization and functioning of its own specialized library, organization, regular completion and capitalization of the scientific and technical documentary archive;
  1. b) activities ancillary to the activities specific to the museum institution;

4719 Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating in:

  • selling one’s own publications, souvenirs, etc .;

4778 Retail sale of other new goods in specialized stores, consisting of (but not limited to): – sale of own publications, publications promoting the institution, etc.

5814 Publishing activities of magazines and periodicals, consisting of (but not limited to)

  • publishing promotional publications: posters, leaflets, brochures, catalogs, guides and other prints.

      7990 Other tourist reservation and assistance services, consisting of (but not limited to):

  • providing guidance within the Museum;

      8230 Organization of exhibitions, fairs, congresses; c) other activities:

6203 Management activities (management and operation) of computing equipment:

  • computerized heritage records;

      6820 Renting of own or rented real estate:

  • renting the spaces under administration (in accordance with the law); 7312 Media services:
  • media promotion of the partners of actions, events, based on the collaboration agreements concluded with them with the aim of ensuring the promotion / publicity of the manifestations / activities / actions / events of the institution based on reciprocity.


Art.6. Organizational structure (with responsibilities)
  • The organizational structure and the number of staff, established according to the legal provisions, are approved by Decision of the Timiş County Council, in relation to the established obligations and programs, in accordance with the Manager’s Management Contract, so as to ensure proper fulfillment of duties and specific activities, minimum programs and projects, as well as the achievement of the objectives book;
  • The attributions corresponding to the functional compartments are established by the Regulation of organization and functioning and the internal Regulation, legally approved;
  • The attributions corresponding to the functions, deriving from the attributions of the compartments, are established through the job descriptions by the manager;
  • The organizational structure of the Museum is as follows:
    • Section 1 – History Section;
    • Section 2 – Archeology Department;
    • Section 3 – Natural Sciences Section;
    • Section 4 – Restoration zonal laboratory;
    • Section 5 – Office of Public Relations and Exhibition Organizations;
    • Section 6 – Museum Pedagogy and Projects Department;
    • Section 7 – Chief Accountant, who reports to the Accounting and Human Resources Financial Department;
    • Section 8 – Public Procurement and Administrative Office; ü Section 9 – Internal public audit department; ü Section 10 – Legal Department.
  • The chief accountant, the heads of departments, offices and compartments report directly to the Museum manager and have the following common responsibilities:
  1. draws up the plan and the annual activity report of the section / office / compartment;
  2. coordinates, guides and controls the entire activity of the section, office, compartment and is responsible for it before the museum management;
  3. organizes the activity of the subordinate functional compartment ensuring the division of the service attributions to the subordinate personnel, the elaboration of the job description according to its individual objectives;
  4. coordinates, guides, periodically analyzes and controls the activity of subordinate employees, ordering the legal measures that are required in order to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of the activity it coordinates;
  5. is accountable to the manager for the performance of the activity he coordinates in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and economy, in the context of compliance with the minimum requirements of the reality, regularity and legality of the actions taken;
  6. arranges measures or makes proposals to the manager for the improvement of the activity he coordinates;
  7. makes proposals for improving the reporting methodology of performance indicators and specific management tools;
  8. evaluates the professional activity of the subordinate staff, based on the performance criteria established for fulfilling the objectives specific to the field of activity they coordinate;
  9. supports staff in developing work, monitors and is responsible for how work rules and procedures have been followed;
  10. establish, as appropriate, the priority of the works and the deadlines within which they must be resolved;
  11. verifies, approves and signs the works carried out within the organizational structure that they lead / coordinate, in accordance with the law;
  12. redistributes the tasks of subordinate staff in case of rest leave, medical leave, participation in refresher courses, conferences, symposia, other short-term events;
  13. approves the scheduling of rest leave;
  14. establishes the competition theme and participates in the employment commissions set up for the competitions organized in order to fill the positions within the section / office / compartment he leads;
  15. coordinates the entire program of training and professional development of subordinate staff and participates in the implementation of professional training programs.
  16. proposes on the secondment, delegation, relocation, promotion of the staff it coordinates, as well as on its sanctioning for the correct and timely fulfillment of the service tasks, within the limits of the legal competences;
  17. ensures and is responsible for the application of the legal provisions regarding the elaboration, the circuit and the keeping of the specific acts, documents and information resulting from the activity of the structure;
  18. seeks to resolve issues arising from the reports of the Court of Auditors and other audit bodies;
  19. ensures and monitors the fulfillment of the measures established as a result of the recommendations contained in the Public Internal Audit Reports approved by the Museum manager;
  20. ensures and is responsible for the fulfillment exactly and in time of the measures ordered by the Museum manager through Decisions and resolutions on the documents distributed to the structure and, together with the subordinate employees, for the fulfillment of all tasks related to the specific

the activity of the structure;

  1. is responsible for the observance of the labor protection norms within the section / office / compartment and of the PSI and OSH norms;
  2. monitors and implements the standards of internal managerial control;
  3. represents the institution by signature, based on and within the limits of the delegation of competence established by the manager;
  4. fulfills any other attributions ordered by the Museum manager in accordance with the legislation in force, with the specifics of the activity and the professional competencies of the staff. (6) Duties specific to the Chief Accountant   In the field of financial-accounting:
  5. exercises the attributions provided by the Accounting Law and by the other normative acts in the matter, for the position of chief accountant;
  6. organizes the financial-accounting activity within the National Museum of Banat;
  7. applies the provisions of the Law on Public Finance and OMF no. 1792/2002, with subsequent amendments and completions, on hiring, liquidation, ordering and payment of expenses, OG 119/1999, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, on internal control and own preventive financial control ;
  8. ensures the preparation of monthly financial reports, quarterly and annual financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, budget execution accounts and notes to the financial statements);
  9. organizes and is responsible for the preparation of financial planning works;
  10. ensures the preparation of the financial statements on time and according to the legislation applicable to the field;
  11. organizes and executes its own preventive financial control over its own operations;
  12. engages the museum, by signature, together with the manager of the Museum, in all economic-financial operations;
  13. organizes and is responsible for the financial-accounting archive;
  14. presents for the approval of the Museum manager the balance sheet and the explanatory report, participates in the analysis of the economic and financial results based on the balance sheet data. In the field of human resources:
  15. organizes and coordinates the records, human resources management and management of personnel functions, recruitment, employment, promotion, transfer, suspension and termination of the employment contract, secondment, delegation and disciplinary sanctioning of Museum staff;
  16. coordinates, in the absence of the manager, the activity of all the compartments in the museum, based on a document prepared for this purpose;

(7) Duties specific to the heads of sections :

  1. is responsible for the fulfillment of the scientific activity plan, for the evidence and exhibition of the section, ensuring the organization of the scientific evidence activity of the section;
  2. coordinates the activity of enriching the collections, preserving and circulating the museum goods, in compliance with the specific legal conservation norms;
  3. coordinates the ensuring of the conditions for the realization of the museum evidence activity;
  4. coordinates and is responsible for the exhibition capitalization of the patrimony, through the organization of permanent and temporary exhibitions and for the elaboration of the afferent documentation;
  5. coordinates, as the case may be, the realization of cultural programs and projects, participates and initiates the maintenance and updating of the exhibition, in order to ensure the requirements of fulfilling the functions of the museum and of the public collections;
  6. participates annually in scientific communication sessions, conferences, colloquia and specialized meetings organized by museums or other competent institutions;
  7. collaborates with museographers, conservators, restorers in all heritage operations;
  8. proposes, in collaboration with the Zonal Laboratory, restoration, heritage objects for restoration;
  9. designs, coordinates and organizes permanent and temporary exhibitions;
  10. ensures the coordination of the actions for ensuring the computerization of the patrimony records, the performance of the operations of classification of the cultural goods;

(8) Section 1 –   History Section:

  1. The history section is headed by the head of the section, under the direct subordination of the Museum manager;
  2. The cultural heritage of the Museum is enhanced by the permanent exhibition, exhibition and editorial programs, studies and communications. In this sense, within the History Section, activities and operations are carried out in connection with the evidence, research, as well as the highlighting of the patrimonial goods specific to its object of activity through permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions, conferences, scientific sessions, colloquia, educational projects. publishing leaflets and catalogs;
  3. In achieving the specific objectives, the History Section has the following main attributions:
  4. collects, completes, systematically preserves objects specific to history collections;
  5. is responsible for the good preservation and use of the museum fund-history collections, in conditions of total security, signaling accordingly the situations of non-meeting of these conditions;
  6. selects objects and other documents, according to the expertise of specialists, in order to purchase;
  7. makes the documentary fund available to users for study, information, documentation, based on duly motivated and approved prior requests;
  8. participates in scientific communication sessions, conferences, colloquia and specialized meetings organized by the museum or other institutions;
  9. is concerned with the preservation of cultural assets under its management (if the museographer has management) and reports to management any problems that may arise;
  10. participates in the operations undertaken for dusting and cleaning of objects under management;
  11. ensures the guidance of the groups of visitors in the exhibitions of the history section in the established period, according to the program;
  12. ensures the permanent updating of the inventory catalogs on collections;
  13. supervises and participates in the periodic inventory of the collections according to the decisions of the Museum manager;
  14. complies with the legislation and norms that regulate the activities in the field of cultural heritage;
  15. is concerned with the knowledge of the collections belonging to the history section of the Museum, of the cultural programs, of the conservation and restoration programs of the institution;
  16. makes proposals, in collaboration with the Zonal Laboratory, restoration, regarding the prioritization of objects for restoration and conservation;
  17. ensures, through specialized personnel, the supervision of the exhibition in order to prevent the touching, the theft or the degradation of the objects with free exposure;
  18. ensures, through the qualified personnel, the preservation of the entrusted goods and the good management of the materials, the handling according to the norms of the objects in the exhibitions;
  19. manages the patrimony of the Traian Vuia museum point;
  20. observes the internal rules and working procedures regarding his position and the activities he carries out;
  21. complies with PSI and OSH rules;
  22. performs any other duties assigned by the Museum manager in accordance with the legislation in force;
  23. The history department carries out activities and operations in the following fields:
  24. The research that is carried out on collections, archives and libraries by the qualified staff of the department and consists of:
  25. choosing the research topic, depending on the interests of the institution;
  26. bibliographic documentation;
  27. the actual research, according to the specific methods, adapted to the topic;
  28. data analysis and selection;
  29. formulating conclusions;
  30. drafting the scientific report;
  31. its analysis in the Scientific Council;
  32. drafting scientific results and capitalizing on them, as appropriate, in drawing up thematic plans for temporary exhibitions, advertising materials (leaflets, exhibition catalogs, articles in periodicals, exhibitions, media interviews, etc.). B. Evidence, storage and supervision:

B.1 . The evidence activity in which the qualified personnel of the department and the manager of the department participate, consists in:

  1. documentation for the knowledge of the patrimony and of the legislation applicable to the field of activity;
  2. primary records, inventory lists, delivery-receipt reports, photographs, files, evaluations and inventory register;
  3. registration of objects and documents entered in the patrimony of the institution through donations, acquisitions, domestic and international exchange, etc .;
  4. transmission of data and documents specific to the history section to the specialized department (financial accounting);
  5. preparation of analytical records;
  6. periodic management check;

B.2 . The storage, the activity in which the entire qualified personnel of the section participates, under the guidance of the nominated conservator, includes:

  1. documentation on the principles and methods of depositing the specific heritage for the type of museum object;
  2. organization of warehouses in collaboration with the zonal laboratory, restoration;

B.3 . Surveillance, an activity in which the entire staff of the department participates, consists of:

  1. knowledge of exhibits and their location in permanent and traveling exhibitions;
  2. ensuring the security of the goods exposed by the guard according to the record, if applicable;
  3. detailed daily control of goods, exhibition, security, if applicable.
  4. preparation of situation reports, upon request, if applicable;
  5. emergency interventions;
  6. maintaining cleanliness and discipline in visiting spaces and warehouses, if applicable.

C. Valuation, an activity in which all the staff of the department participates, including the manager of the department, involves the following actions:

  1. capitalizing on the museum heritage structured in collections, through exhibitions, scientific publications, advertising materials;
  2. thematic documentation, collection structures, conservation status, ways of capitalization:

scientific, cultural, documentary, educational interest, etc.

  1. preparation of the exhibition theme file (complete documentation);
  2. discussing and supporting the topic file;
  3. making the exhibition;
  4. proposing measures, together with the conservator, to ensure the conditions of conservation;
  5. evidence of the dynamics of the exhibition heritage;
  6. organization / participation in campaigns to popularize the heritage and the ways of capitalization made.

(9) Section 2 –   Archeology Section:

  1. The archeology department is headed by the head of the department, who is directly subordinated to the Museum manager.
  2. The cultural heritage of the Museum is enhanced by the permanent exhibition, exhibition and editorial programs, studies and communications. The archeology department carries out activities and operations related to the evidence, research, as well as the development of the patrimony (following the archeological discoveries) and the highlighting of the patrimonial goods specific to its object of activity through permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions, conferences, scientific sessions, colloquia, educational projects. , publishing leaflets and catalogs; 3. In fulfilling the specific objectives, the Archeology Department has the following main attributions:
  3. according to the activity plan, writes themes, organizes or collaborates in the organization of permanent or temporary exhibitions;
  4. participates in the updating or modifications made in the existing basic exhibitions;
  5. collaborates with the exhibition manager and curator in the practical realization of the exhibitions and their popularization;
  6. is concerned with making a correct and complete record of the pieces in the collection for which he is responsible;
  7. ensures, participates in the drafting of evidence sheets with photo documentation related to them;
  8. is responsible for compiling scientific repertoires and catalogs, exhibition catalogs and popular publications (guides, leaflets);
  9. participates, together with the curator and the manager, in any activity that has as object the respective collection (conservation by periodic treatment with appropriate substances), organization or reorganization of the deposits, selection of the material in order to organize permanent or temporary exhibitions;
  10. performs systematic, preventive and field archaeological research, as well as archaeological surveillance, according to the legal provisions and procedures in the field;
  11. the research activity carried out in the field, deposits, archives, libraries or archeological sites is materialized through a scientific study and is taught within the deadlines established by

Scientific Council;

  1. through the specific research activity ensures the development of the museum patrimony (following the discoveries within the archeological excavations), and the aim is to enrich the patrimony of the institution, contributing to the enrichment of the documentary fund;
  2. participates in scientific communication sessions, conferences, colloquia and specialized meetings organized by the museum or other institutions;
  3. offers to the restorer, the conservator, together with the afferent documentation, the goods newly resulted from the research, acquisitions or donations for conservation;
  4. provides, at the request of the public or specialists, assistance in the exhibition halls, in the study room and in the warehouses;
  5. complies with PSI and OSH rules;
  6. performs any other duties assigned by the Museum Manager in accordance with the legislation in force.
  7. The archeology department has attributions in the fields:

A .Research – the activity in which the specialized staff of the department participates and consists in:

  1. prior documentation for identifying the research topic (identifying the patrimony owned by the institution, the share of research in the field in all research in Banat, the opportunity of the proposed research, field research (perigheze, studying the bibliography), evaluating the potential resources needed to achieve the topic in sight;
  2. the choice of the research topic according to the interests of the institution, respectively, the choice of the historical period and the geographical area of ​​interest, of the sites and / or of the collections and / or of the types of artefacts targeted for research, of the research and capitalization methods;
  3. analysis, selection and organization of data, formulation of conclusions on the appropriateness of the individually proposed topic;
  4. requesting the scientific opinion of the Museum for the proposed topic;
  5. annual request for archaeological research permits to the specialized department

(General Directorate of National Cultural Heritage – Archeology Department) of the Ministry of Culture; at the end of the research campaigns, the technical sheets and the preliminary research reports are drawn up, which are sent to the Ministry of Culture;

  1. the research itself (within the proposed theme and included in the activity plan): it is performed according to specific methods, adapted to the theme, the proposed objectives in the short, medium, long term and specific to the respective archaeological site (geographical location, site type, according to the list of types site set up by the specialized department of the Ministry of Culture);
  2. the scientific site managers and the members of the research teams ensure the organization and development in good conditions of the archaeological research (site organization – working conditions, staff) and the actual excavation – in compliance with the rules and techniques of excavation, preparation of specific documentation;
  3. performs the research, evidence, rescue and capitalization of the movable and immovable patrimony of archeology, identification, mapping, delimitation and preventive archeological research of the archeological sites subjected to aggression by different natural and industrial factors;
  4. collaborates with specialists from museums and other institutions in order to carry out systematic archaeological research;
  5. performs archaeological research in order to issue certificates of discharge of the archaeological load of some lands, for various investment works;
  6. performs archaeological research at the request of third parties: field assessments, archaeological surveillance, preventive archaeological research;
  7. permanent documentation activity for the purpose of scientific capitalization of own research: consultation of specialized bibliography, study of existing archaeological collections in similar institutions in the country and abroad, to complete the bibliography and identify analogies for historical phenomena and objects in the geographical space and chronological horizon ;
  8. Records, storage, surveillance:

B.1 The evidence activity, which is carried out by the specialists on collections and includes:

  1. the primary evidence (on site) of the material resulting from the excavations;
  2. documentation for the knowledge of the patrimony and the legislation;
  3. drawing up inventory lists, photographs, files, evaluations and the inventory register of the department;
  4. transmission of data to the specialized department (financial accounting);
  5. preparation of analytical records;
  6. preparation and management of computerized records;
  7. permanent verification of the management and of the patrimony record;
  8. participation in training programs for heritage records.

B.2 . The Storage activity in which the specialized staff and the manager of the section participate includes:

  1. documentation on the principles and methods of depositing the specific heritage for the type of museum object;
  2. organization of deposits;
  3. spatial definition, proper arrangement, specific care;
  4. continuous improvement regarding the conservation and proper storage of heritage assets.

B.3 . Surveillance, an activity in which the entire staff of the department participates, consists of:

  1. knowledge of the exhibits and the locations of the museum patrimony within the exhibitions;
  2. ensuring the security of the goods exposed by security according to the record;
  3. detailed daily inspection (performed by the service museographer or guide);
  4. preparation of situation reports upon request;
  5. emergency intervention;
  6. maintaining the cleanliness and discipline of the exhibition spaces.
  7. C. _ Capitalization, an activity in which all the staff of the department participates, including the manager of the department, involves the following actions:
  8. capitalizing on the results of archaeological research and museum heritage, structured in collections, as well as heritage in situ, through exhibitions, scientific publications, advertising materials;
  9. supporting scientific communications at profile sessions (regional, national, international);
  10. publication of scientific papers – preliminary excavation reports, articles, studies, repertoires, monographs, etc .;
  11. making permanent and temporary exhibitions (drawing up the theme of the exhibition, supporting the theme file, making the exhibition itself, supervising and ensuring the conservation conditions, media coverage of the exhibition, guidance services within the permanent or temporary exhibition);
  12. editing the specialized yearbook of the museum (activity within the editorial board:

selection of materials proposed for publication, correction of manuscripts, proofreading);

  1. popularizing the patrimony and the ways of capitalization achieved.
(10) Section 3 – Natural Sciences Section
  1. The Natural Sciences Department is headed by the head of the department, directly subordinated to the manager of the National Museum of Banat.
  2. The cultural heritage of the Museum is enhanced by the permanent exhibition, exhibition and editorial programs, studies and communications. The natural sciences department carries out activities

and operations related to the evidence, research, as well as the enhancement of the patrimonial goods specific to its object of activity through permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions, conferences, scientific sessions, colloquia, educational projects, publishing of books, leaflets and catalogs.

  1. In fulfilling the specific objectives, the Department of Natural Sciences fulfills the following main attributions:
  2. collects, completes, systematically preserves the museum heritage of natural sciences and other documents or audio-visual and electronic recordings;
  3. is responsible for the good preservation and use of the museum of natural sciences in conditions of legally organized security;
  4. selects works and other documents for purchase;
  5. performs research and analyzes and / or adapts the services according to the needs formulated by the users;
  6. makes the documentary fund available to users for study, information, documentation based on written and approved requests (Scientific Council, Head of Department, Manager);
  7. provides information from its own documentary fund or obtained through the exchange network between museographers, specialized researchers or other users;
  8. participates in scientific communication sessions, conferences, colloquia and specialized meetings organized by the museum or other institutions;
  9. is concerned with the preservation of cultural assets under its management (if the museographer has management);
  10. participates in the operations undertaken for dusting and cleaning of objects under management;
  11. coordinates and ensures the guidance of the groups of visitors in the exhibitions of the section of natural sciences in the established period, according to the program;
  12. carries out the activity of drawing up catalogs and other tools for capitalizing and communicating the collection of publications in a traditional system (on files) and computerized;
  13. ensures the permanent updating of the inventory catalogs on collections;
  14. is concerned with the knowledge of the museum’s collections, cultural programs, conservation and restoration programs of the institution;
  15. collaborates with the Zonal Laboratory, restoration, with conservators and collection managers in prioritizing objects to be restored and preserved;
  16. participates in the planning of restoration and conservation activities;
  17. ensures the establishment and promotion of the documentary fund regarding the patrimony;
  18. ensures the maintenance of the exchange of information with specialized institutions, the elaboration, preparation and technical editing of the documentary material;
  19. ensures the supervision of the exhibition to prevent the touching, theft or degradation of objects with free exposure;
  20. ensures the preservation of the entrusted goods and the good management of the materials, the handling according to the norms of the objects in the exhibitions;
  21. complies with PSI and OSH rules;
  22. performs any other duties assigned by the Museum Manager in accordance with the legislation in force.
  23. The natural sciences department carries out activities and operations in the following fields: evidence, storage, supervision and capitalization of the museum heritage.
  24. A. _ The attributions within the activity of evidence, storage, patrimony supervision are carried out with the participation of the qualified personnel of the section and the manager of the section and include: A1 . Evidence:
  25. documentation for the knowledge of the patrimony and of the legislation;
  26. primary records, lists, photographs, files, assessments and inventory register;
  27. transmission of data to the specialized department (financial accounting);
  28. preparation of the analytical record sheet;
  29. preparation of the file on electronic support;
  30. permanent verification of the management and of the patrimony record;
  31. participations in improvements regarding the patrimony records.
  32. aims to achieve the correct and complete record of the pieces in the collection for which he is directly responsible, regardless of their state of preservation or their value;
  33. participates effectively, together with the curator and the manager, in any activity related to the respective collection – organizing the pieces in the warehouse, moving them, selecting the material in order to organize temporary exhibitions, enriching / updating the basic one or for loans to other institutions;
  34. deals with the enrichment of the department’s patrimony by attracting donations and offers for acquisitions:
  35. conducts field research according to the research plan approved by the museum management and in accordance with the legislation in force;
  36. at the request of the conservator, it provides the necessary information for the correct completion of the records and preservation sheets.

A2. Storage is the activity in which the entire qualified staff of the department participates, and includes:

  1. documentation on the principles and methods of depositing the specific heritage for the type of museum object;
  2. warehouse organization;
  3. spatial definition, proper arrangement, specific care;
  4. continuous improvement regarding the proper storage of museum objects: A3 . Surveillance, an activity in which the entire staff of the department participates, consists in: a) knowing the exhibits and the locations of the museum patrimony;
  5. b) ensuring the security of the goods exposed by security according to the record; c) detailed daily control;
  6. preparation of situation reports upon request;
  7. emergency intervention;
  8. maintaining cleanliness and discipline in the sector.

B. The attributions within the activity of scientific capitalization of the museum collection and of the results of the field researches in order to introduce them in the national and international scientific circuit include:

B1 . Research activity:

  1. 1. the research, which may be carried out in collections and on site, only by qualified personnel, and consists of:
  2. choosing the research topic, depending on the interests of the museum;
  3. extensive documentation (preliminary study);
  4. data analysis and selection;
  5. the research itself, according to the specific methods, adapted to the topic;
  6. presentation of scientific results;
  7. drafting the scientific report;
  8. discussing the scientific report in the Scientific Council;
  9. writing a scientific paper;
  10. writing a thematic book (scientific monograph);
  11. capitalization of data, as the case may be, by making: exhibition, leaflet, exhibition catalog, newspaper article, oral presentation, media interviews, etc.
  12. the research can be extended to other movable heritage values ​​of local, zonal, national or international interest related to the Banat area;
  13. the research results are materialized in an annual study limited to the research topic proposed and approved by the management of the institution;
  14. in the case of compiling collection catalogs or a book, the annual study is no longer mandatory;
  15. for the scientific research activity, the Scientific Council establishes / approves the strategy / proposals / terms and conditions for teaching / publishing specialized studies / scientific papers / books prepared by scientific researchers.

B2 . Capitalization, an activity in which all the staff of the department participates, including the manager of the department, involves the following attributions:

  1. capitalization of scientific data and museum heritage, structured in collections, as well as in situ heritage, through exhibitions, scientific publications, advertising materials;
  2. exhibition capitalization consists of:
  • the annual realization on its own or in collaboration of a temporary exhibition or of a cultural event of scientific and educational character in accordance with the approved cultural agenda;
  • the museographer will make the file of the exhibition including the theme, the list of pieces, mentioning those to be preserved, the necessary material (including equipment), the catalog and other printed materials, as well as the detailed budget by chapters to be submitted to the head of section;
  • collaborates with the conservator, with the head of the section in order to make the event practical;
  • presents to the inventory commission the complete list of the pieces that are the object of the management held, elaborates together with the head of the public relations and exhibition organization office the advertising plan, hands over under signature to the room supervisor, based on a detailed report, the management of the exhibition pieces.
  1. documentation on the thematic heritage, collection structures, states of conservation, ways of capitalization: scientific, cultural, documentary, educational interest, etc.
  2. evaluation of specific data and forms of implementation;
  3. preparation of the exhibition theme file (complete documentation);
  4. discussing and supporting the topic file;
  5. the actual realization of the exhibition;
  6. supervision and ensuring the conditions of conservation;
  7. evidence of the dynamics of the exhibition heritage;
  8. participation in campaigns to popularize the heritage and the ways of capitalization carried out.
(11) Section 4 – Area Laboratory, Restoration
  1. The zonal laboratory, restoration is led by the head of the zonal laboratory, restoration, under the direct subordination of the manager of the National Museum of Banat.
  2. In fulfilling the specific objectives, the zonal laboratory, restoration, has the following main attributions:
  3. acts responsibly towards the special material value, the uniqueness and the artistic, historical, documentary, spiritual importance of the objects it treats, and the difficulty of the applied preventive conservation interventions;
  4. complies with the legislation and norms that regulate the activities in the field of cultural heritage, its conservation and restoration;
  5. knowledge of the museum’s collections, cultural programs, conservation and restoration programs of the institution;
  6. participates in the restoration and conservation commissions;
  7. is responsible for the maintenance of the entrusted goods and for the good management of the materials;
  8. performs works of conservation / restoration of the movable patrimony in the Museum;
  9. participates in the planning of restoration and conservation activities, as well as in ensuring the logistics of the zonal laboratory, restoration;
  10. establishes, together with museographers, conservatories and collection management, the prioritization of objects to be restored / preserved;
  11. participates in the decision-making within the restoration commissions in order to establish the diagnosis of the state of conservation of the objects, as well as the application of the methods and techniques of restoration and conservation of the cultural goods;
  12. develops and implements restoration and conservation programs and projects;
  13. as an expert he participates in expert activities of cultural goods, as well as in the classification of cultural goods;
  14. provides specialized advice on the organization of exhibitions in accordance with the rules of conservation and restoration;
  15. participates in conferences, sessions, scientific meetings;
  16. carries out scientific research activities and participates in interdisciplinary research with museographers, researchers, experts, scientists, etc., in the field of heritage


  1. accompanies, as an expert, cultural goods in transit;
  2. applies and observes the restoration procedure on domains, carrying out specific activities;
  3. Conservation and restoration of cultural assets are scientific activities, based on multidisciplinary, artistic, scientific and technical training, the application of specific methods and techniques, compliance with a code of ethics and professional practice and the development of high-precision practical skills.
  4. Conservation and restoration activities are carried out according to the methodology: a) establishing the diagnosis
  5. physical – chemical – biological investigation;
  6. historical, artistic, technical, anamnesis research and documentation
  7. synthetic formulation of the diagnosis;
  8. establishing methods, techniques and materials for restoration and conservation;
  9. applied conservation / restoration interventions / treatments;
  10. elaboration of specialized documentation (restoration file, restoration file).
  11. Commission for Restoration and Conservation – Duties:
  12. debates and approves all issues of conservation and restoration of the institution;
  13. the activity and the decisions of the commission are based on the observance of the legislative-normative documents in the field of cultural heritage, museum and of the conservation / restoration of cultural goods;
  14. ensures the fulfillment of any service tasks in the interest of the smooth running of the activity of the institution, received from the head of laboratory or the management of the institution, related to the level of training and specifics of the professions of restorer, conservator or investigator.
  15. Conservation and restoration of cultural assets are scientific activities, based on multidisciplinary, artistic, scientific and technical training, the application of specific methods and techniques, compliance with a code of ethics and professional practice and the development of high-precision practical skills.
  16. Conservation and restoration activities are carried out according to the following methodology: a) establishing the diagnosis
    1. physical – chemical – biological investigation;
    2. historical, artistic, technical, anamnesis research and documentation
    3. synthetic formulation of the diagnosis;
    4. establishing methods, techniques and materials for restoration and conservation;
    5. applied conservation / restoration interventions / treatments;
    6. elaboration of the specialized documentation Restoration file, Restoration file;

8. The conservation and restoration activities are carried out according to the Methodology of elaborating the annual conservation and restoration plan:

  1. interdisciplinary consultation with museographers, researchers, conservators, restorers, prioritization and selection of cultural assets for conservation / restoration;
  2. The prioritization principles are as follows:
    • – the state of conservation of cultural assets;
    • -the scientific value of cultural goods;
    • -exhibition requests (correlated with the Agenda of annual cultural events);
    • -requests for research;
  3. elaboration of proposals for conservation / restoration by sections / offices / compartments;
  4. discussing the proposals in the Restoration and Conservation Commission;
  5. establishing by mutual agreement in the Commission for Restoration and Conservation the annual Conservation and Restoration Plan.

9. Restoration and conservation commission – attributions:

  1. debates and approves all issues of conservation and restoration of cultural assets of the institution;
  2. the activity and the decisions of the commission are based on the observance of the legislative – normative regulations in the field of cultural heritage, museum and of the conservation / restoration of cultural goods;
  3. ensures the fulfillment of any service tasks in the interest of the smooth running of the activity of the institution, received from the head of the zonal laboratory, restoration or management of the institution, related to the level of training and specifics of the professions of restorer, conservator or investigator.
 (12) Section 5- Office of Public Relations and Exhibition Organizations
  1. The Office of Public Relations and Exhibition Organizations is headed by a head of the office directly subordinate to the manager.
  2. The Office of Public Relations and Exhibition Organizations has the following main responsibilities:
  • organizing the secretarial and registry activity of the Museum, ensuring: receiving, registering and handing over the distributed correspondence, as well as sending them to the recipient;
  • organizing, managing the records of incoming / outgoing correspondence in and out of the institution;
  • ensure proper use and preservation of the entity’s seals and stamps;
  • organizing, conducting records, notifications, petitions;
  • following up the solution, through the specialized departments, and sending the answers to the petitions in time;
  • organizing, coordinating, recording the audience program;
  • completing, updating the web page of the National Museum of Banat;
  • organizing the actions of representation of the National Museum of Banat at each event from its work agenda;
  • develops and implements the media communication strategy;
  • creation, updating, management and making available to the manager, the database on professional organizations, non-governmental and others, in the field of interest of the institution;
  • initiating, organizing and coordinating actions to promote the Banat National Museum;
  • establishing favorable relations with other institutions and transmitting public information to the external environment;
  • elaborates the marketing strategy of the museum;
  • develops and implements image programs corresponding to special events, depending on their nature;
  • monitors, analyzes, periodically evaluates the image of the museum, as well as the results obtained by applying the communication strategy and optimizes it according to the results;
  • maintains a protocol database, permanently accessible to the entity’s management;
  • compiles and updates the list of journalists who make pages, columns, culture shows, accessible to the Museum manager;
  • informs the press about the activities and events organized or in which the Museum participates;
  • organizes press conferences in which the realized programs and the short or medium term projects are synthesized;
  • provides protocol services on the occasion of openings and all cultural events of the Museum;
  • maintains relations with the media (print and audiovisual media);
  • initiates projects with specific themes and aims to establish partnerships for events and manifestations;
  • collaborates with the sections, in order to organize different events consisting of exhibitions, activities related to museum exhibitions and events;
  • selects, photographs and processes the scientific material received from museographers, makes graphics appropriate to the theme, edits the texts of the exhibition;


takes photographs during the installation of the exhibits, at the end of the exhibition and at its dismantling constituting the archive of the event;

  • maintains contact with cultural bodies and institutions or with attributions in the field of culture, from abroad and / or from Romania, including with non-governmental organizations active in this field;
  • develops, applies and analyzes questionnaires for the public in order to draw up the marketing strategy;
  • analyzes the evaluation limits of the exhibition projects, taking into account the economic and cultural indicators (in collaboration with the financial-accounting department, human resources);
  • performs the duties of a press office, including the role of the institution’s spokesperson;
  • coordinates the activities of museum volunteers involved in communication activities;
  • collaborates with the sectors whose personnel enter, by the nature of the specific attributions, in direct contact with the public, in view of its regular training;
  • ensures the supervision of the exhibitions and the good development of the events organized / hosted by the Museum;
  • provides signage in visible points of the city for events organized / hosted by the Museum.
 (13) Section 6 – Museum Pedagogy and Projects Department
  1. The Museum Pedagogy and Projects department is directly subordinated to the Museum manager.
  2. The Museum Pedagogy and Projects department fulfills the following main attributions:

A – In the field of long-term and short-term planning of the museum pedagogy activity: a) draws up the plan of the museum pedagogy activity;

  1. elaborates specific programs on fields of activity, in order to ensure quality services for all categories of public, in the permanent exhibition, in the temporary exhibitions, as well as in other actions / events / programs;
  2. proposes new strategies for the development and promotion of the museum;
  3. creates the organizational framework for educational activities and programs, for the public of all categories and ages, including the school;

B – In the field of organizing and carrying out the activity of museum pedagogy:

  1. establishes partnerships-collaborations with cultural institutions in order to form complete didactic partnerships;
  2. collaborates with partner cultural institutions in order to promote the museum;
  3. takes steps to attract new educational institutions – potential future collaborators;
  4. establishes educational partnerships with collaborating educational institutions;
  5. coordinates the formulation of the museum’s strategies on education, communication;
  6. coordinates museum pedagogy workshops;
  7. leads projects that highlight and promote the material and cultural heritage of the museum;
  8. highlights the museum through exhibitions and the publication of data and information on the museum’s heritage;
  9. collaborates with the heads of the museum’s sections to promote their events;
  10. coordinates and ensures the realization of the activity plan of the museum in the field of museum pedagogy;
  11. coordinates and ensures the implementation of the museum’s strategies on education, communication and marketing;
  12. coordinates the activity of museum volunteers and collaborators involved in education activities;
  13. guides groups of students in basic and temporary exhibitions;
  14. is responsible for achieving the entity’s indicators and for fulfilling the individual activity plan;
  15. periodically evaluates the offer of educational programs in order to better adapt to the needs of the identified target audience, as well as to diversify this offer;
  16. cooperates to ensure the capitalization of the activity by publishing studies and articles, participating in scientific events, organizing or collaborating in the organization of scientific events and exhibitions; C -Other duties:
  17. represents the institution by signature on the basis and within the limits of the delegation of competence established by the manager;
  18. monitors and implements the internal managerial control standards in the field;
  19. performs any other duties assigned by the Museum Manager in accordance with the legislation in force.
 (14) Section 7 – Financial and Accounting and Human Resources Financial Department

      The accounting and human resources financial department is subordinated to the chief accountant and fulfills the following main attributions: A. In the financial-accounting field:

  • ensures the management of double-entry accounting, as an activity specialized in measuring, evaluating, knowing, managing and controlling assets, liabilities and equity, as well as the results obtained from the institution’s activity, by chronological and systematic registration of legally prepared, approved and approved documents , as well as the processing, presentation and storage of information on the financial situation and cash flows, both for internal requirements and for other competent bodies, in accordance with the legal provisions in force:
    • ensures accounting, synthetic and analytical records and analytical and synthetic balance sheets for all accounting accounts;
    • records active inflows / outflows, revaluations, depreciation of fixed assets;
    • preparation and registration of payment statements;
    • issuing payment orders and payment orders for contributions to salaries, replenishment of card accounts;
    • preparation of periodic statements (112 and 100);
    • preparation and submission of documentation for recovery of medical leave; ü ensures the periodic confrontation of the data from the accounting records with those from the technical-operative records;

participates in the preparation of financial reports and financial statements;

  • ensures the synthetic and analytical accounting records of the assets by management;
  • ensures the capitalization of the inventory results;
  • keep records of employment, liquidation, ordering and payment of expenses;
  • keeps off-balance sheet accounts;
  • – leads the accounting of debtors, creditors, customers, debts, etc .;
  • participates in the elaboration of the draft budget of revenues and expenditures of the Museum, based on the proposals of the specialized structures within the institution, as well as the project of its rectification;
  • participates in the elaboration of the quarterly allocation of the allocated budgetary provisions, at the request of the Timiș County Council and on the basis of the data provided by the specialized structures within the institution, as well as in the elaboration of the request to modify the quarterly distribution of the approved provisions;
  • participates in the monthly preparation, and whenever necessary, and in the transmission to the Timiș County Council of the financing request (opening of budgetary credits) as well as of withdrawal of financing in case the open sums were not used at the required level , at the request of specialized departments;
  • draws up at the legal deadlines the execution account on expenses and incomes of the Museum;
  • verifies, from the point of view of the inclusion in the approved budgetary provisions, the proposals for the commitment of expenses, for all the actions that are carried out in and through the Museum;

secure the final phase of budget execution (liquidation of expenditures) according to OMFP 1792/2002, with subsequent amendments and completions, by verifying the supporting documents and confirming that this verification has been performed;

verifies the order issued by all specialized structures within the Museum, in terms of compliance with the budget provisions on each item and prepares payment orders and is responsible for the correct preparation of payment orders and transfer of amounts to the appropriate accounts;

draws up the situation regarding the monitoring of personnel expenses;

  • pursues the observance of the provisions of the regulation of cash operations, the justification in legal term of the advances for settlement granted for material expenses and travel;
  • invoices the services provided by the Museum and monitors the collection of issued invoices;
  • verifies daily the concordance of the account statements with the payments made by the Museum;
  • records in the accounting the operations highlighted in the supporting documents underlying the accounting entries and their archiving;
  • draws up the payment and collection provisions to the cashier for the operations carried out in cash, in compliance with the legal ceilings;
  • chronological and systematic recording of all patrimonial operations in the journal register;
  • completes the inventory register with the results obtained as a result of the inventory operations;
  • verifies the ordinances issued by the specialized structures within the Museum, from the point of view of the inclusion in the budgetary provisions on each item, the elaboration of the payment orders and the transfer of the amounts in the corresponding accounts;
  • ensures the chronological and systematic registration of all patrimonial operations in the journal register;
  • completes the inventory register with results obtained as a result of inventory operations;
  • records in the accounting the operations highlighted in the supporting documents underlying the accounting entries and ensures their archiving;
  • performs the inventory in time of the cashier of the Museum;
  • ensures the follow-up of the legal justification of the advances for settlement granted for material expenses and travel;
  • draws up the payment and collection provisions to the cashier for the operations carried out in cash;
  • ensures and follows the observance of the provisions of the regulation of cash operations;
  • verifies, from the point of view of the inclusion in the approved budgetary provisions, the proposals for the commitment of expenses, for all the actions that are carried out in and through the Museum;
  • draws up any other financial statements required by management

Museum, Timiş County Council, etc. B. In the field of human resources:

  • draws up and proposes for approval the organizational chart and the list of functions of the institution;
  • ensures the recruitment and staffing according to the principles of professional competence;
  • establishes the necessary staff in perspective, by specialties and forms of activity, in collaboration with the heads of departments;
  • implements the decisions regarding the establishment of the salary level, the promotion of the staff, the sanctioning of the staff, in accordance with the law.
  • organizes and monitors the activity of annual evaluation of individual professional performances;
  • establishes the staff structure on the basis of which the funds intended for salary expenses are determined;
  • keep records of rest leave, unpaid leave, parental leave and other types of leave;
  • ensures the elaboration of the formalities regarding the filling of the vacancies within the museum, according to the legal provisions;


secures the secretariat of the competition / examination commissions held at the museum level and prepares documents regarding the employment of the persons declared admitted, based on the minutes of the examination commissions; ensures the secretariat of the competition / examination commissions held at the museum level for the promotion of the staff in positions, degrees;

  • draws up documents regarding the conclusion, modification, suspension, termination of the employment relationship for the employees within the Museum; prepares and manages personnel files;
  • calculates seniority at the time of employment and establishes the seniority bonus;
  • keeps records of the job descriptions of the Museum staff;
  • draws up, submits to approval and ensures the issuance, upon request, of certificates regarding the quality of employee, seniority in work, salary rights (basic salaries, seniority bonuses, etc.);
  • ensures the application of the legal provisions regarding retirement for old age or disability;
  • draws up and updates the Register of employees;
  • reports in legal terms to ITM the information / legal documents regarding the beginning, respectively the termination of the individual employment contract of the Museum employees;
  • constantly monitors the training programs proposed by the Center for Vocational Training in Culture – Ministry of Culture and ensures the participation of employees in these programs;
  • records in the database the changes in the staff situation;
  • calculates monthly salary fees based on attendance sheets prepared by each functional department of the Museum, in accordance with attendance conditions, requests for rest leave, unpaid leave, medical leave certificates, decisions, service notes, communications, etc. ;
  • calculates social health insurance benefits, completes medical leave certificates with the payer’s data;
  • calculates the allowances for rest leave and the payment of the advances due for the rest leave;
  • operates the deductions from the net income of the employees (alimony, credit rates, optional pension rates, other occasional deductions);
  • constitutes and retains management guarantees;
  • draws up payment orders;
  • draws up payment orders to the Treasury;
  • draws up monthly recapitulative statements regarding the payment of salaries;
  • creates files with salary rights due to employees and sends them to the bank in order to transfer the salaries on cards;
  • aims at including the personnel expenses approved by the budget;
  • prepares and submits periodic reports and declarations within the legal deadlines; – prepares and transmits the situation regarding the monitoring of personnel expenses;
  • prepares statistical reports to the National Institute of Statistics;
  • prepares the fiscal files annually and sends them within the legal term to ANAF-DGRFP Timişoara and to the employees of the Museum.

C. Common attributions to the financial-accounting field and to the human resources field

  • complies with PSI and OSH rules;
  • performs any other tasks assigned by the management of the National Museum of Banat, in accordance with the legislation in force.
(15) Section 8 – Public Procurement and Administrative Office

The public and administrative procurement office is the organizational structure subordinated to the manager and fulfills the following main attributions: A .In the administrative field:

ensures the administrative activity in the Museum, on the line of administration and management of the buildings in which the Museum operates, ensuring the material resources, services, goods and infrastructure for the development in optimal conditions of the Museum’s activity;

applies measures to improve the activity of managing the buildings under the administration of the Museum;

  • carries out the activities of ensuring the verification, correct operation, regulation, maintenance and repair of installations, equipment and technical and technological endowments;

verifies the reality of the reading and the good functioning of the devices and meters that record the consumption of these utilities, ensuring the management of the expenses regarding the utilities and the recovery of the quotas from the eventual tenants;

  • monitors the development of utility contracts for electricity, heating, hot water, cold water, natural gas, sanitation, radio, cable TV, internet, etc., contracts for the provision of administrative services, maintenance, overhauls, repairs and service (air conditioners, copiers, pumps, telephone exchange, burglar alarm systems and fire alarms, disinsection and rodent control services, etc.);
  • monitors the supply contracts, provision of repair services for computer equipment, security, if necessary, cleaning, ISCIR checks at power plants, water supply, electricity, collaborating with the organizational structures of the entity for consumer compliance;
  • draws up and submits for approval the reports of necessity regarding the acquisition of materials, materials, devices, accessories, etc., necessary to ensure the operation and maintenance in optimal conditions of the constructions and utilities within the Museum;
  • ensures the maintenance of all the spaces under administration and the use of the Museum regarding the state of cleanliness, sanitation, minor repairs and operative interventions with its own employees (electricians, locksmiths, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, painters, etc.) .;
  • ensures the appropriate conditions in the spaces where the assets are managed (materials, inventory items, fixed assets, equipment, vouchers) located in the patrimony / administration of the Museum, intervening also at the request and signaling of

to managers of irregularities regarding the storage conditions;

  • ensures the conditions for carrying out the activities of reception, handling and proper storage of the endowment goods, according to the law;
  • ensures the conditions for storage, distribution and conservation of maintenance materials, household inventory and others;
  • ensures the observance and application within the Museum of the norms and measures resulting from the legal provisions regarding OSH (health, occupational safety), civil defense, PSI, labor protection norms;
  • draws up the report on the good to be made available in accordance with GD no. 841/1993, mentioning all its technical characteristics (brand, year of manufacture, date of commissioning, duration of use, inventory value, etc.) will be submitted for approval to the Museum management;
  • ensures / monitors the general security of the buildings, as well as the permanent service, if applicable;
  • ensures the management of fixed assets and inventory objects in the use, conservation, storage, of the Museum’s patrimony.
  • monitors the distribution of employees and fixed assets in the work spaces of the Museum;
  • ensures operative maintenance and repairs of low complexity in the spaces under the administration of the Museum ;.
  • performs the remediation of the inventory goods and the nature of the damaged fixed assets;
  • ensures from a logistical point of view the development in optimal conditions of the car park activity;
  • ensures the transport activity at the Museum level, taking measures for tracking and optimizing the consumption of lubricants, fuels, spare parts and materials;

performs the activity of maintenance, operation, repair, conservation and use of the Museum’s fleet;

  • ensures the approval of the reports of release from management of fuel vouchers based on the regulated consumption and their use, according to the regulations in force.
  • keeps records of the activity of drivers and vehicles based on roadmaps;
  • ensures the evidence, selection, storage and classification of documents created and held in the Museum’s archives;
  • administers and ensures the protection of the archival fund of the institution, according to the laws in force and of the approved archival nomenclature;
  • prepares half-yearly, and whenever necessary, reports and analyzes on the activity in the administrative field;
  • participates in the activity of annual inventory of the institution’s patrimony; B. _ In the field of public procurement:
  • establishes the specific objectives of the activity of public procurement of products, services or works in correlation with the objectives and needs of the Museum;
  • elaborates and, as the case may be, updates, on the basis of the centralization of the necessary transmitted by the departments of the institution and the priorities identified at the level of the institution, the draft of the annual public procurement plan;
  • participates in the substantiation of the draft budget and budget rectification proposals, respecting the principles of economy, efficiency, effectiveness, in conditions of transparency;
  • elaborates and submits to the Museum management for approval the award documents, the descriptive documents, or, in case of organizing a solution contest, the contest documentation;
  • prepares proposals for technical specifications (specifications) necessary for the purchase of means of transport, maintenance services and repairs of endowment vehicles as well as for CASCO and RCA services;
  • prepares the necessary documents for starting the direct acquisitions of products, works and services necessary for the development of the activity within the Museum; establishes the qualification and selection criteria, the evaluation factors that are the basis for the award of public procurement contracts based on the proposals of the specialized structures;
  • elaborates, as the case may be, the justifying notes provided by the legislation in the field of public procurement:
    • regarding the determination of the estimated values, the selection of the awarding procedures, the acceleration of the awarding procedures, the establishment of the qualification and selection requirements, the establishment of the evaluation factors and their weight based on the necessity reports and other supporting documents sent by the specialized structures;
    • in all cases where the proposed award procedure to be applied is other than the open or restricted tender, with the approval of the head of the institution and the opinion of the legal department;
  • fulfills the obligations regarding the publicity of the acquisitions;
  • draws up minutes for the selection of tenders in order to establish the suppliers from whom the public procurements of products, works, services are made;
  • proposes for approval, if necessary, in the circumstances provided by law, the cancellation of the award procedures;
  • communicates to the candidates / tenderers the result of the application of the contract award procedures, in accordance with the applicable regulations;
  • elaborates the documentation related to the development of the contracts / protocols in order to make the payments according to OMFP 1792/2002, with the subsequent modifications and completions;
  • monitors the concordance, in terms of quantity, quality and value, of the goods and services invoiced with those contained in the contractual provisions or orders issued, as the case may be;
  • certifies for reality, regularity and legality the documents of expenses for the products, works, services purchased;


ensures the establishment and keeps the public procurement files, in accordance with the legal and procedural provisions in force;

  • prepares reports, analyzes regarding the activity in the field of public procurement;
  • reports to the National Authority for Regulation and Monitoring of Public Procurement and other institutions authorized by law, within the established deadlines, the information regarding the award of public procurement contracts.

C. Common attributions to the administrative field and to the public procurement field:

  • performs any other tasks assigned by the management of the National Museum of Banat, in accordance with the legislation in force.
(16) Section 9 – Public Internal Audit Department

The internal public audit department is a functional structure subordinated to the manager   and fulfills the following main attributions:

  • through the internal public audit department, the audit activity of the institution is carried out, functionally independent and objective activity, meant to provide assurance, formal and informal advice, for improving the activities of the public entity and fulfilling the objectives, through a systematic and methodical approach. improves the efficiency and effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes;
  • the public internal audit department is organized in accordance with Law no. 672/2002 on public internal audit, with subsequent amendments and completions, and with GD no. 1086/2013 for the approval of the General Norms regarding the exercise of the public internal audit activity;
  • the internal public audit structure of the Museum effectively exercises the function of public internal audit and is hierarchically subordinated to the Manager of the institution and methodologically to the internal public audit structure of the Timiș County Council;
  • elaborates methodological norms specific to the public entity in which it carries out its activity, with the approval of the Timiș County Council – internal public audit structure, or applies the own methodological norms of the internal public audit structure of the hierarchically superior public authority, with its approval;
  • draws up the Internal Audit Charter;
  • elaborates the Program for ensuring and improving the quality of the internal public audit activity: objectives, actions, indicators, deadlines, managers;
  • performs the multi-annual planning for 3-5 years, including the missions regarding the audit of the activities carried out by the public entity, as well as the advisory missions;
  • performs annual planning covering the tasks to be performed during a year, taking into account the outcome of the risk assessment and the available audit resources;
  • audits, but is not limited to, the following:
    • the financial activities or with financial implications carried out by the public entity from the moment of establishing the commitments until the use of the funds by the final beneficiaries, including the funds coming from external financing;
    • payments made through budgetary and legal commitments, including from Community funds;
    • the administration of the patrimony, as well as the sale, pledge, concession or rent of goods from the private domain of the state or of the administrative-territorial units;
    • the concession or rental of goods from the public domain of the state or of the administrative-territorial units;
    • the establishment of public revenues, respectively the way of authorization and establishment of debt securities, as well as the facilities granted for their collection;
    • allocation of budget appropriations;
    • the accounting system and its reliability;
    • the decision-making system;
    • management and control systems, as well as the risks associated with such systems; ü computer systems.
  • carries out advisory activities (formalized advisory missions, informal advisory missions) to improve governance processes in the public entity, without the internal auditor assuming managerial responsibilities, provided that they

do not generate conflicts of interest and are not incompatible with the duties of internal auditors:

  • actual counseling or counseling, consisting of identifying obstacles to the normal conduct of proceedings, establishing

consequences, while presenting solutions for their elimination;

  • facilitating the understanding, intended to obtain additional information for in-depth knowledge of the operation of a system, standard or normative provision, necessary for the staff responsible for their implementation;
  • training and professional development, designed to provide theoretical and practical knowledge on financial management, risk management and internal control, by organizing courses and seminars.
  • informs the Timiş County Council about the recommendations not adopted by the head of the audited public entity, sending to the internal public audit structure of the hierarchically superior public entity a summary of the recommendations not adopted by the head of the audited public entity and the consequences of their non-implementation, accompanied by relevant documentation from the end of the quarter;
  • periodically reports to the Timiş County Council on the findings, conclusions and recommendations sending to the Public Internal Audit Office within the Timiş County Council, at its request, periodic reports on the findings, conclusions and recommendations resulting from the internal audit activity;
  • prepares the annual report of the public internal audit activity which presents the way of achieving the objectives of the public internal audit department which they submit to the public internal audit structure of the Timiș County Council until January 15 of the following year, for the year ended;
  • immediately reports to the head of the public entity and the competent internal control structure the irregularities or possible damages identified in carrying out the public internal audit missions, within 3 working days from the finding;
  • monitors and implements the internal managerial control standards in the field;
  • performs any other tasks in the field of internal audit ordered by the management of the National Museum of Banat, in accordance with the legislation in force, insofar as it does not generate conflicts of interest and does not represent incompatibilities with the duties of internal auditors.
(17) Section 10 – Legal Department

The legal department is a functional structure subordinated to the manager and, in fulfilling the specific objectives, has the following main attributions:

  • represents the interests of the Museum before the jurisdictional bodies, the criminal investigation bodies, the public notaries, as well as in the relations with the natural and legal persons of public and private law, based on the delegation of representation given by the Museum management; – ensures the representation of the National Museum of Banat before the courts by:
    • filing of objections in court;
    • formulation and submission to the courts of objections to the expert reports submitted by the respondent,
    • exercise of remedies,
    • submission of written conclusions,
    • ensures the presence of the legal adviser at the courts at the trial terms and, in particular, at the trial on the merits;
  • draws up legal documents;
  • requests from the specialized structures points of view, relations, acts, documents in order to draft the defenses or actions brought before the courts, in the files in which the Museum is a party;
  • draws up the appropriate documentation for the actions / objections submitted by the Museum or those to which the Museum is a party;
  • ensures the guidance and information of the Museum structures in order to apply and comply with the normative acts in force corresponding to the field of activity:
    • is responsible for the legality of all documents issued by all departments on which the legal visa is granted;
    • keeps records of published normative acts, specific to the field of activity of the Museum;
    • informs the management of the Museum about the new normative acts relevant to the activity of the institution;
    • informs the Board of Directors, upon request, on the interpretation and, as the case may be, on the application of normative acts;
    • monitors and informs of legislative changes regarding public procurement;
  • provides specialized advice to the employees of the institution on issues related to the activity in the Museum;
  • takes the necessary measures to track and collect the debts, takes steps to receive the enforceable titles and requests the taking of precautionary measures on the assets of those who have damaged the Museum;
  • draws up draft decisions, employment contracts, civil conventions, etc .;
  • draws up and approves any internal normative acts that are related to the activity and attributions of the museum, proposes the modification or withdrawal of those that are no longer in accordance with the legal regulations;
  • drafting contracts, in collaboration with specialized departments; collaboration with the sections / offices / departments specialized in negotiating, concluding, modifying, completing and terminating the contracts concluded by the Museum, finalizing them after consulting the management;
  • elaborates and submits to the management of the Museum for signing the draft contracts and framework agreements, based on the proposals of the specialized departments within

Museum involved in the public procurement process;

  • endorses the legality of the documentation related to public procurement;
  • ensures the application and completion of the award procedures, based on the minutes, as well as the tender decisions, by concluding the draft public procurement contracts;
  • elaborates the draft Regulation of Organization and Functioning, the Internal Regulation and the Collective Labor Agreement;
  • makes requests for the execution of the sentences remaining final, irrevocable and enforceable, in order to recover the amounts owed by third parties to the Museum and takes measures to recover the claims, by obtaining enforceable titles, following their execution;
  • ensures the elaboration of the necessary documentation and the transmission of the specialized structure within the institution, in order to execute the remaining final / irrevocable and executory sentences given to the detriment of the Museum;
  • formulates a point of view regarding the interpretation of the legislation, for any normative acts that have an impact and connection with the specific activity of the Museum;
  • grants the visa of legality on all administrative acts issued by the Museum or in connection with its activity, which engage the patrimonial, contractual, civil, criminal or disciplinary liability, presented for approval according to the law;
  • endorses the legality of any contractual relations of the museum with third parties, as well as of any measures likely to engage the legal and patrimonial responsibility of the museum;
  • legally targets all commitments and documents that hire / encumber the Museum’s patrimonial and / or financial assets;
  • monitors the existence, updating and application of legal procedures regarding the activity of the museum;
  • analyzes with the financial department the accounting and human resources situation of the debtors and concludes minutes in which it specifies the measures that will be taken for the identification and liquidation of the debts;
  • takes steps to obtain approvals from the Ministry of Culture for international exhibitions, such as drawing up customs documents;
  • ensures the organization of the record of litigations on cases in which the Museum is a party, the synthesis and the periodic organization of reports in order to achieve the indicators from the management contract of the Museum Manager;
  • monitors and implements managerial internal control standards
  • fulfills any other specific attributions given by the management of the institution according to the legal provisions.


Art.7.The Board of Directors
  • Within the museum there is the Board of Directors, a deliberative management body, whose composition, attributions, organization and functioning are established by the Regulation of Organization and Functioning, approved by Decision of the County Council.
  • The Board of Directors consists of 5 members with the following composition:
    • a county councilor;
    • a representative from the specialized apparatus of the County Council;
    • a personality in the field; ü Museum manager;
    • the chief accountant of the institution.
  • The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the Museum Manager;
  • The President appoints a secretary from among the members of the Board of Directors or another employee of the institution with legal training;
  • The Board of Directors meets at the Museum’s headquarters, usually monthly, in ordinary meetings, or whenever necessary, in extraordinary meetings, at the convocation of the Manager or at the request of at least three members of the Board, as follows: ordinary meetings shall be held 5 days before the date of the meeting by the President;
    • extraordinary meetings shall be convened either by the President or at the written request of a majority of the members of the Council;
    • the debates of the Board of Directors take place according to the agenda, which is elaborated by the Chairman and can be completed with the proposals of the other members of the Board of Directors;
    • the work of the Board of Directors is chaired by the Chairman or his deputy, as the case may be;
    • The Board of Directors is legally convened in the presence of 2/3 of the total number of members and takes decisions by a simple majority of the total number of members present;
    • the debates shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting drawn up by a secretary and signed by the chairman and members.
  • The Board of Directors has the following main responsibilities:
    • debates and approves the list of positions, the organizational chart, the Regulation of organization and functioning of the institution, the tariffs for services provided by the Museum, which are to be submitted to the approval of the Timiş County Council;
    • debates and approves the internal regulations of the institution;
    • debates and approves the composition of the Scientific Council;
    • debates and approves the draft budget of revenues and expenditures and the closing account of the budget year;
    • debates and approves the development strategy, the action programs regarding the improvement of the financial discipline;
    • debates and approves the annual activity plan and the annual activity report per institution;
    • analyzes and approves security measures, security, fire protection, as well as any other measures to protect the institution’s assets;
    • endorses / approves any other proposals, materials, documents, etc. that fall within its sphere of competence;
    • fulfills any other attributions resulting from the general / special legislation in the matter.
  • In the exercise of its attributions, the Board of Directors draws up Decisions.
  • The secretariat of the Board of Directors is provided by the staff of the Museum and fulfills the following attributions:
    • ensures the convening and organization of the meetings of the Board of Directors;
    • provides the information and documents requested by the members of the Board of Directors;
    • follows the observance of the terms of elaboration and presentation of the materials requested by the Board of Directors;
    • broadcast the materials at least 5 days before each meeting;
    • prepares the materials for the meetings of the Board of Directors according to the established agenda;
    • ensures the record and keeping of the documents and correspondence received and issued by the Board of Directors:
    • ensures the records of the meetings of the Board of Directors in the Register of Minutes, drafting the minutes;
    • ensures the dissemination of the Decisions of the Board of Directors, in order to implement them.


Art.8.Scientific Council
  • The Scientific Council operates within the Museum, as a specialized body with a consultative role in the field of scientific research, organization and / or structuring of services, museum collections and cultural activities.
  • The Scientific Council can be composed of 5-15 members, appointed by decision of the Manager from among the heads of departments and specialized staff, as well as personalities in the field within and outside the Museum. At its first meeting, the Scientific Council shall elect a chairperson from among its members;
  • The Scientific Council shall meet monthly or whenever necessary when convened by its chairman or manager.
  • For the scientific research activity, the Scientific Council establishes / approves the strategy / proposals / terms and conditions for the teaching / publication of specialized studies / scientific papers / books prepared by scientific researchers.
  • The Scientific Council fulfills the following attributions:
    • formulates proposals regarding the Museum’s strategy and themes, programs, directions and research projects;
    • debates and approves the annual and perspective programs of scientific research of the museum;
    • controls the scientific research activity of the specialized staff of the museum and of the collaborators;
    • evaluates the activity projects of researchers and museographers;
    • analyzes and approves the research works elaborated by the museum specialists and by the collaborators, both within the research program and within some collaboration contracts;
    • endorses the theme and scientific content of all scientific events;
    • analyzes and approves scientific publications, developed or coordinated by the museum;
    • analyzes and proposes the list of scientific publications proposed for printing / sale at the museum stand, translations of books, leaflets, brochures, in and from Romanian, other products, services;
    • formulates proposals and endorses the theme and scientific content of all events;
    • analyzes the proposals for communication and report sessions, colloquia, scientific symposia within the museum, including with the participation of other specialists;
    • establishes and maintains liaison with scientific forums in the field;
    • monitors the cultural activity of the museum, analyzes the activity of the organized events, signaling to the manager the problems found and formulates proposals to improve the activity; at the meetings for the analysis of proposals for cultural events

the initiator of the proposal and the coordinator of the structure of which the initiator is a member may participate as guests;

  • proposes specific, professional performance criteria, representing the evaluation requirements of the positions and of the specialized personnel employed;
  • provides, upon request, specialized assistance in the field of activity of the museum;
  • establishes / approves the terms and conditions of elaboration / teaching / publication of specialized studies / scientific papers / books elaborated by scientific researchers;
  • fulfills, in accordance with the law, other specific attributions given in its task.


Art.9. The manager
  • The executive management of the Museum is exercised by the Manager, who, following the competition of management projects organized by the Timiş County Council, concluded a management contract with the Timiş County Council, in compliance with the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 189/2008, approved with the modifications and completions provided by Law no. 269/2009.
  • The manager represents the Museum in the relations with the Timiş County Council, with the public authorities and institutions, with the natural and legal persons from the country and from abroad, as well as in


  • The manager is responsible for carrying out the functions, attributions and activities of the Museum and fulfills, in accordance with the law, the following main attributions:
  • establishes the minimum program, the objectives and the cultural and economic indicators to be achieved, monitors and is responsible for their fulfillment, according to the Management Contract and the annexes to the contract;
  • ensures the elaboration and application of the strategy necessary for the good development of the current and perspective activity of the Museum, established according to the management contract;
  • engages the museum, through its signature, in relations with third parties, within the limits established by the normative acts in force;
  • concludes legal acts in the name and on behalf of the institution, in accordance with the law; – directs, coordinates and is responsible for the good development of the Museum’s activity;
  • coordinates – through the heads of organizational structures – the activity of elaboration of the activity plans and of the minimum ones regarding the cultural-educational manifestations and the other activities, in accordance with the strategy and the objectives established for each stage; – in the exercise of its attributions, the Manager issues decisions.
  • organizes, plans, controls and evaluates the activity of all the structures within the Museum;
  • implements the internal / managerial control system at the Museum level;
  • ensures the application of the management norms, of the Regulation of organization and functioning, of the Regulation of internal order, of the operational procedures and of the unitary administrative ones;
  • ensures the administration of the Museum’s patrimony, of the material and financial means at its disposal, in compliance with the legal provisions in force and of the present Regulation;
  • guides, controls and is responsible for all scientific, educational, cultural and administrative activities within the museum;
  • ensures the elaboration of the Regulation of organization and functioning and of the Internal Regulation, in compliance with the legal provisions in force;
  • approves the Rules of Procedure and any other rules concerning technical, economic, administrative and specialized discipline;
  • convenes the Board of Directors;
  • chairs the meetings of the Board of Directors;
  • exercises the attributions provided by the public finance legislation for the tertiary authorizing officers;
  • commits, promotes, sanctions, orders the termination of individual employment relationships, as well as the dismissal of employees, in compliance with the legal provisions in force;
  • approves the organization of the vacancy competitions, as well as the theme of the competitions organized in order to fill the vacancies;
  • negotiates the clauses of individual employment contracts, in accordance with the law;
  • orders the performance of annual evaluations of salary performance, in accordance with the law;
  • ensures the legality of establishing the salary rights of the Museum staff and ensures its promotion in professional degrees, in accordance with the law, with the inclusion in the amounts approved for this purpose in the legally approved income and expenditure budget;
  • ensures the use of allocated budget appropriations only for the performance of tasks

The Museum, according to the provisions of the approved budgets and under the conditions established by the legal provisions;

  • ensures the substantiation and elaboration of the development strategy and the draft budget of the institution, with the approval of the Board of Directors, submits them for approval to the Timiş County Council, and the annual activity program that it submits to debate and appropriation.

Board of Directors;

  • manages the approved revenue and expenditure budget of the institution and decides on how to use it according to the provisions of the management contract, in compliance with the legal provisions, having the quality of tertiary authorizing officer of budgetary credits;
  • establishes measures to ensure the security of the Museum, measures to prevent and extinguish fires, as well as measures on labor protection and facilitates their knowledge by employees;
  • elaborates the project of the own budget and of the closing account of the budgetary exercise that it submits to the debate and the appropriation of the Board of Directors and the approval of the Timiş County Council;
  • decides on the use of the approved budget of the institution, in compliance with the legal provisions;
  • adopts measures in order to fulfill the provisions of the annual budget of revenues and expenditures of the Museum, for the development and diversification of extra-budgetary revenue sources, under the conditions of the regulations in force;
  • elaborates the draft Organization Chart and the List of functions which it submits to the Board of Directors for approval and to the approval of the Timiş County Council;
  • establishes the service attributions on compartments of the employed personnel, as well as the individual professional obligations of the specialized personnel, approved by the job descriptions;
  • grant hearings within the established program;
  • appoints, in accordance with the law, the spokesperson of the institution, the person in charge of occupational health and safety, the ethical advisor and the person in charge of access to information of public interest;
  • approves the annual procurement plan, the contracting strategy, the strategy for promoting the Museum’s image and the annual public internal audit plan;
  • approves the scheduling of legal leave of employees;
  • approves the training and specialization of the staff, by participating in specific courses;
  • approves all financial-accounting documents, which require its signature;
  • is accountable to the higher hierarchical body for the activity of the museum and for fulfilling its own general management program of the museum;
  • draws up the annual activity report, within 15 working days from the submission of the annual financial statements and submits it to the Timiş County Council in order to evaluate its activity;
  • The manager also fulfills other attributions established by the Management Contract, or provided by law.
  • It establishes other measures, which it considers necessary, for the good development of the general and specific activity of each compartment, within the limits of the legal provisions in force;
  • performs any other duties established by the higher hierarchical body and is responsible for their performance.






Art.10 Employment, promotion, sanctioning
  • In order to ensure the management of the Museum, the Timiș County Council organizes a competition of management projects, in accordance with the legal provisions. The manager of the institution is entrusted to the winner of the competition, based on the management contract.
  • The Timiș County Council will periodically evaluate the management, according to the evaluation regulation elaborated by the Ministry of Culture.
  • The employment of employees is done by competition or examination, under the conditions established by regulation approved by Government Decision, by concluding an individual employment contract, according to the provisions of the Labor Code.
  • The promotion in the higher professional ranks or ranks or in the function of the personnel is done by examination, according to the Regulation of organization and development of the examination for the promotion in professional ranks or ranks of the approved legal contract personnel.
  • The professional activity is assessed annually, by evaluating the individual professional performances, by the manager, at the proposal of the hierarchical boss, by awarding grades. The employer establishes the individual objectives and the performance criteria in accordance with the regulation approved by the order of the President of the Timiș County Council.
  • The disciplinary sanctioning of the personnel is done under the conditions and in compliance with the law.


Art.11. Salary and liability of staff
  • The remuneration of the staff is made in relation to the position, degree or professional level, the level of education and seniority, under the conditions and in compliance with the Framework Law on unitary remuneration of staff paid from public funds and the staffing expenses approved by its own budget.
  • The basic salaries established by the individual employment contract cannot be below the level of the minimum gross basic salary in the country.
  • The staff has the obligation to fulfill the duties according to the job description, to comply with the provisions contained in the internal regulations, in the applicable collective labor agreement, as well as in the individual employment contract.
  • The internal rules of operation, including staff conduct, rights and obligations, disciplinary violations and applicable sanctions, professional evaluation criteria and procedures shall be laid down in the internal regulations.
  • The staff is responsible, in relation to the exercise of their duties, disciplinary, patrimonial,

contraventional or criminal, as the case may be, according to the law.


Art.12. Training and professional development
  • The museum has the obligation to create the necessary conditions for the process of continuous improvement of professional training, skills and competencies necessary for the development of a stable, professional, transparent, efficient, and impartial public service.
  • The ways to carry out the professional training are the following:
    1. training programs organized and conducted by vocational training providers, completed with a certificate of participation;
    2. training programs organized and carried out within the implementation of externally funded projects;
    3. training programs organized and conducted within the institution;
    4. other means of professional training provided by law;
  • The fields necessary for professional development according to the requirements of the job description are established by the heads of departments, approved by the manager;
  • Participation in vocational training programs is financed from the budget of the public institution, from the amounts specially provided for this purpose.






Art.13.The patrimony
  • The museum patrimony is made up of the totality of the goods, of the rights and obligations with patrimonial character of the museum or, as the case may be, of the public collections, on some goods in public and / or private property;
  • The goods that make up the museum patrimony may be the object of the public property right of the state and / or of the administrative-territorial units or, as the case may be, of the private property right;
  • The movable and immovable assets under the administration and management of the National Museum of Banat are part of the public domain of Timiş County;
  • The museum has the right to manage the following buildings:
    1. the building located in Timişoara, Huniade Square, no. 1, where the headquarters, the exhibition halls, the warehouses are located;
    2. the building located in Traian Vuia commune, Timiş county – “Traian Vuia Museum”;
    3. the building located in Jimbolia, 15 V.Babeş Street – “Nature House”.
  • They can be the object of a museum patrimony, according to the law:
    1. real estate of exceptional value, archaeological, historical, ethnographic, artistic, documentary, memorialistic, scientific and technical;
    2. sites and reservations that have an archeological, historical, artistic, ethnographic, technical and architectural character, consisting of lands, natural parks, botanical and zoological gardens, as well as the afferent constructions;
    3. goods classified in the movable national cultural heritage, of exceptional value, archeological, historical, ethnographic, artistic, documentary, scientific and technical, literary, memorialistic, cinematographic, numismatic, philatelic, heraldic, bibliophile, cartographic and epigraphic, representing material and spiritual testimonies of the evolution of human communities, of the environment and of the human creative potential;
    4. other goods that have a documentary, educational, recreational, illustrative role and that can be used in exhibitions and other museum events.
  • The movable patrimony of the Museum can be enriched and completed by acquisitions, donations, by taking over goods on loan or by transfer, with the agreement of the parties, from some legal persons of public and / or private law, of some natural persons, from the country and abroad, in accordance with the law, as well as objects from archaeological research;
  • The evidence of the goods that are part of the museum patrimony is kept through the Computerized Register for the analytical record of the cultural goods, permanent document, having obligatory character, with the maintenance of the inventory registers and of the primary documents.
  • The owner and the holder of other real rights over the museum have, according to the Civil Code and the Law of Museums, the following obligations:
    • to ensure the integrity, security, conservation and restoration of the objects that are the object of the museum patrimony;
    • to carry out the documentation, the evidence and, as the case may be, the classification of the goods that are the object of the museum patrimony;
    • to highlight the museum heritage;
    • to ensure and guarantee the access of the public and of the specialists to the goods that ensure the museum patrimony;
    • to ensure the research or, as the case may be, the provision, for research, of the goods from the museum patrimony;
    • to prevent the use of the museum patrimony for other purposes than those provided in the legal regulations in force;
    • to ensure the prevention, location and extinguishing of fires;
    • to ensure the security of the museum and the endowment with efficient protection systems;
    • to take measures to prevent and reduce the damages that can be brought to the museum patrimony, in case of natural calamity or armed conflict;
    • to conclude partial or full insurance contracts for movable property and

real estate that is the object of the museum patrimony, according to the legal provisions in force.


Art.14.Budget and financing of expenses
  • The National Museum of Banat is financed from funds allocated from the Timiş County budget, according to Law no. 273/2006, on local public finances, with subsequent amendments and completions, from own revenues (from service tariffs, donations, sponsorships, from other specific activities ) and other attracted sources, under the conditions and in compliance with the law.
  • The budget of incomes and expenses, the Regulation of organization and functioning, the organizational chart, the list of positions, the composition of the Administrative Council of the Museum are approved by the Timiş County Council.


Art.15. Accounting
  • The museum has its own account, organizes and manages the accounting of its own financial-accounting operations, according to the legal regulations in the field.
  • Accounting is conducted under the Accounting Law and is an activity specialized in measuring, evaluating, knowing, managing and controlling assets, liabilities and equity, as well as the results obtained from the Museum’s activity.
  • Accounting ensures:
    • chronological and systematic recording, processing, publication and storage of information on financial position, financial performance and other information related to the activity carried out, both for their internal requirements and in relations with present and potential investors, financial and commercial creditors, customers , public institutions and other users.
    • information to the authorizing officer regarding the execution of the budget of revenues and expenditures, the patrimony under administration, as well as for the preparation of the annual general account of execution of the state budget, of the annual account of execution of the state social insurance budget, special funds, and of the annual accounts of local budgets.




Art.16. Header, stamp
  • The museum will use the header: Timiș County Council – Banat National Museum.
  • The documents issued by the Museum will contain data and information on: the full name of the Museum, the headquarters, the treasury account, the fiscal registration code of the Museum, telephone, fax, e-mail address.
  • The museum has its own stamp.


Art.17.Modification and completion of the Regulation
  • This Regulation is supplemented, by law, with the normative acts in force.
  • Any modification and completion of these Regulations will be approved by the Board of Directors of the Museum and will be subject to the approval of the Timiş County Council.

This Regulation enters into force on the date of its approval by Decision of the Timiş County Council.

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