Visiting hours: Wednesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (closed on Mondays and Thuesdays)

Status of salary rights on 29.03.2024

Status of salary rights on 30.09.2022 (2)

Anunt nr. 1 (PDF)

Anunt nr. 2 (PDF)

Enhancing tourism in Banat cross-border area by Capitalizing of the potential of Parta and Majdan archeological sites RORS463 ”

“Capitalizing on the potential of the Parța and Majdan archeological sites to stimulate tourism in the Banat RORS463 cross-border area”

Bid submission information.

Download DOCUMENT 1
Download DOCUMENT 2
Download DOCUMENT 3

Exam for promotion from the Funclia ContractualS of
Execution Restorer Grade ll


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