Visiting hours: Wednesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (closed on Mondays and Thuesdays)

About the Annals of Banat



The Journals Analele Banatului – new series, continues the previous publications of Banat Museum, Timişoara:
Történelmi és Régészeti Értesítő (1872-1918)
Gemina (1923)
Analele Banatului (1928-1931)
Tibiscus (1971-1979)
The published articles are of archaeological,
historical and museological interest and are
mainly related to the region of Banat, but also to romanian and universal history.
The structure of the journal is the following:

– Archaeology and Ancient History
– Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History
– History of culture, Museology, Historiography, Catalogues, Varia
Appearance frequency:
ISSN: 1221-678X
Publisher: Editura MEGA, Cluj-Napoca, Parcul Feroviarilor no.3
Cover vignette: Wiliam Vastag
Editorial Board:
Claudiu ILAȘ, Manager of  Banat Museum,
Prof. dr. Florin DRAŞOVEAN
, Scientific
Researcher, Banat Museum, chief editor.
Zsuzsanna KOPECZNY, Banat Museum Timişoara, editorial secretary
Prof. dr. Radu ARDEVAN, Lector dr.
Ligia BOLDEA, dr. Nicoleta DEMIAN,
dr. Dragoș DIACONESCU, Prof. dr. Joseph MARAN (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg), Zoran MARCOV,
Conf. dr. Vasile RĂMNEANȚU, Prof. dr.
John Michael O’SHEA (Michigan University,
SUA), Prof.dr. Wolfram SCHIER (Freie
Universität Berlin, Germania), dr. Cosmin SUCIU
,  members.
Archive structure:
I (1981) II (1993) III (1994) IV (1995) – Archaeology and History V (1997) VI (1998)
The manuscripts edited following the Publishing Rules (link) shall be sent on fixed electronical format (CD or DVD) to the following address: Timişoara 300002, Piaţa Huniade nr. 1, or via
e-mail address:

Publishing Rules
Peer Review process description
International Data Base
Scopus 2
World Cat

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