articol |
Pagina |
Eulogy , Aes Aeterna – In Honorem Tudor Soroceanu |
7 |
Bibliografia Selectiva a lucrărilor Publicate de Tudor Soroceanu list of the main publications Tudor Sororoceanu |
11 |
A bronze sword Aegean-Anatolian type from the Museum of Varna, Bulgaria |
17 |
Observaţii privind utilizarea omoplaţilor crestaţi din cultura Noua, pe baza materialului de la Rotbav, jud.Brasov.
Some remarks on the possible uses of the notched shoulder blades of the Noua culture
due to the finds from Rotbav, Braşov County |
33 |
BOTOND REZI , Depozitul de bronzuri de la Cetatea de Baltă (Jud. Alba).
The Bronze Hoard from Cetatea de Baltă (Alba County) |
47 |
HORIA Ciugudean ,
comments on the chronology of the fortified settlement of Teleac |
67 |
BARBARA DAMMERS , habitus style, resistance: the interpretation of variability in spätneolitischenkeramik of Uivar |
89 |
OLIVER DIETRICH , A small bronze hoard from the settlement of Rotbav, “La Pârâuţ” and Some Thoughts on the occurrence Cypriot loop needles in the Noua culture.
A small deposit of Bronzes from Rotbav “LA PÂRÂUŢ” and Some Thoughts on the appearence
of “Cypriote pins “in the Noua Culture |
97 |
OLAF FABIAN , Once again the folding stools of older Nordic Bronze Age |
109 |
a triple burial of the tumuli culture of the district of Szudokpüspöki (No-Hungary) |
129 |
SVEND HANSEN , copper Temporal axes between the 5th and 3rd millennium in South East Europe |
141 |
BERNHARD S. HEEB , Renewed viewing a bronze chisel from Vaduz, sulfur (Liechtenstein) – A Small Contribution to sidebar chisels between Italy and southern Scandinavia |
161 |
CAROL Kacso , Depozitul de bronzuri de la Sânnicolau de Munte (Jud. Bihor, România).
The depot from Sânnicolau de Munte (Bez. Bihor, Romania) |
167 |
MAJA Kašuba, ELKE KAISER , A groove hammer with carved representations of Şoldăneşti, northwestern Black Sea region. |
175 |
Despre un “pond Dacic din plumb descoperit Judeţul Prahova” |
199 |
CAROLA METZNER – FOG SICK , an Urnfield Period bulbous head scepter from Apetlon in Bugenlang, Austria |
203 |
TOBIAS MÖRTZ , First Unetice metal vessel in a foreign land? reflections on the origin and function of the jewelry box of Skeldal, Denmark |
221 |
BIANKA NESSEL , Functional aspects of the bronze blades in the late Bronze Age and Urnfield in the Carpathian Basin |
239 |
JENS NOTROFF , A Nordic miniature sword in Hungary? Thoughts about a phenomenon of the
late Bronze Age in Northern Europe in the mirror prehistoric contact zones |
261 |
ANCA – DIANA POPESCU , Un pumnal de tip răsăritean din Moldova.
An Eastern Dagger from Moldavia |
271 |
DANIEL Spanu , Un MORMANT cu fibula Glasinac descoperit pe Situl “Cetate” de la Zimnicea.
A Grave with a fibula of Glasinac Type from the Site of Zimnicea, “Cetate”
279 |
CRISTIAN EDUARD Stefan , Piese din bronz din colecţiile Muzeului Naţional de Antichităţi.
Bronze Objects from the National Museum of Antiquites of Bucharest |
295 |
At the End of the Line: Two Ösenring hoards from Romania |
307 |
JULIA WAGNER , The chronological development of the cemetery of Mokrin |
337 |
MANFRED Woidich , Uivar and the beginning of the Bronze Age in the Romanian Banat |
357 |
367 |